Defiance County

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OhioGuidestone offers many kinds of mental health and addiction and recovery services at our Defiance County location.  

You can receive mental health services, including diagnostic assessments, counseling services, case management, and psychiatry. We also offer substance use disorder services, such as individual, group and family counseling, medication assisted treatment, and nursing and medical services. Services are available for youth and adults. 

Our Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic, Urgent Care is available on Wednesdays from 9:00am to 1:00pm.

Our programs help individuals and families to thrive by focusing on positive approaches to address the root causes of addiction and mental health issues. We work with you to lower your stress, anger, depression and anxiety, and help you to build resiliency to manage future challenges. 

You can begin on your journey to health and wellness today. Your path to a more fulfilling life begins here. 

Defiance County Locations

OhioGuidestone can help

Are you in need of our services? Contact us today to learn more about next steps and the kind of care you can expect from OhioGuidestone.