Hancock County

Help is close by

OhioGuidestone offers many kinds of mental health and addiction and recovery services at our Findlay location here in Hancock County. We offer peer recovery support and recovery support groups, so you can find help from those who are also walking the path to recovery. We also provide medication-assisted treatment and assessments for those facing addiction.  

Our programs help individuals thrive by focusing on positive approaches to address the root causes of addiction and mental health issues. We work with you to lower your stress, anger, depression and anxiety, and help you to build resiliency to manage future challenges. 

Recovery is possible. Your path to a more fulfilling life begins here. 

Hancock County Locations

  • 1624 Tiffin Ave

    Outpatient Counseling Center

    1624 Tiffin Ave, Suite D, Findlay, OH 45840-6852


OhioGuidestone can help

Are you in need of our services? Contact us today to learn more about next steps and the kind of care you can expect from OhioGuidestone.