Cuyahoga County

Help is close by

OhioGuidestone is here for you and we understand that when it comes to getting help, it’s all about location.

We have a strong presence in Cuyahoga county with many offices and professionals who are available to help offer behavioral and mental health services and substance abuse services. We offer convenient locations for assessments, family counseling services, group counseling, peer recovery and job training programs. Your mental health is our top priority and making it easy for you to get the help you need is important.

Our Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics offer Urgent Care for Behavioral Health at our Berea (434 Eastland), Cleveland (3500 Carnegie), and Euclid locations, Monday through Thursday, from 9:00am to 1:00pm.

There is likely an office near you. Call or email us to find out how we can help you in your path to recovery and a better, more fulfilling life. Your road to recovery starts right here at OhioGuidestone.

Cuyahoga County Locations

OhioGuidestone can help

Are you in need of our services? Contact us today to learn more about next steps and the kind of care you can expect from OhioGuidestone.