National Stress Awareness Day National Stress Awareness Day, observed on November 6th, was established in 1998 by the International Stress Management Association (ISMA) to help provide information on stress, and…
We have three basic levels of comfort-seeking behavior that are related to seeking “out there.” These three stages are not distinctive and have no real lines of division. I divide them here for explanation purposes only. In reality, one blends into the other as the energy levels blur the lines away. They are:
Peer Support and Substance Use Peer Support is often a vital piece in treatment for substance use. Trust comes more quickly from someone who’s been there like OhioGuidestone Peer Support…
It’s National Prevention Week, May 12-18. This week highlights the importance of prevention education for substance use and promoting mental health and well-being. These efforts also need to be centered…
Celebrate Earth Day by Taking Care of Yourself: The Mental Health Benefits of Green Spaces This Earth Day, OhioGuidestone isn’t just focusing on our planet’s health, but yours too! As…
It’s National Women’s History Month. In 2024, President Joe Biden officially declared the month of March as National Women’s History Month. At OhioGuidestone we are proud to employ almost 1,000…
Foster care can be especially rewarding. We invite you to become a part of OhioGuidestone’s deeply rooted legacy and join us in becoming a foster parent.
I choose to join the program for a new beginning, to learn new trades and get my high school diploma and learn how to get my life on track. Isaiah, Workforce…