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Signs of Suicide screening program featured in The Chronicle


In the news featured in the chronicle, "Marion L. Steele High School makes signs of suicide screening and awareness program school-wide" and a suicide prevention ribbon.

Marion L. Steele High School, located in Amherst, Ohio has partnered with OhioGuidestone to provide the Signs of Suicide (SOS) screenings and awareness program. The school has recently broadened the scope of the program, now integrating it school-wide. This proactive measure underlines the schools dedication to promoting mental health and well-being throughout the entire student body. OhioGuidestone is the state’s largest provider of school behavioral health services, located in over 327 schools throughout the state of Ohio. The Chronicle featured an article about the partnership and program offering between Marion L. Steele High School and OhioGuidestone to bring suicide awareness to students.  The initial screening test also looks for toxic relationships and substance use, offering students an opportunity to come forward with other issues they may be having and connect them with resources.