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FASD Double ARC Grant Award

oung philanthropist program.

The Blade interviewed our clinical supervisor Brianna Megyesi about OhioGuidestone’s Double ARC program:

Another organization receiving funding was OhioGuidestone’s Double ARC Center, a behavioral health clinic that provides services to children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. OhioGuidestone received $2,500 to help families pursue full FASD evaluations for diagnosis.

“There’s estimated to be one in 20 school-aged children with a possible fetal alcohol syndrome disorder,” Brianna Megyesi, a licensed social worker and clinical supervisor with OhioGuidestone, said. “Although it’s unknown, it’s very prevalent. More prevalent than I think anyone knows.”

Diagnosis of a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder can be a lengthy process involving speech and occupational therapists, neuropsychologists, and developmental pediatricians. Much of the work is not covered by insurance, meaning many families would be unable to afford it otherwise.

The YIPEE students visited OhioGuidestone in February for a volunteer project, Mrs. Megyesi said, and helped stuff envelopes that were sent to donors.

“It was a very, very positive experience,” she said. “I could tell the students in Leadership Toledo are truly committed to learning more about agencies in Toledo and have a better understanding of the community as a whole.”

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